Theatre Of Protest

I've spent the last couple of weeks in preparation for 'Theatre of Protest', which was a response to the many different forms of protest which swept the world in 2011. The series of events held at Camden's Roundhouse and conceived by Kay Ashead,covered the uprisings of the Arab Spring through to the London Riots.
As part of the project I was commisioned to make a film, 'Stones', in collaboration with Simon McCabe and Kay Ashead.
'Stones' was made in the first two weeks of 2012, it comprises web sourced material about the uprisings and footage shot over two storm swept days in London. It draws a line from the Arab Spring to the London riots, linking them with a protester's journey.
The evening comprised, several mainly theatre pieces, presented in workshop form. The commentary on the Arab spring focussed on the treatment of women by the new regimes and culminated in a stunning solo piece written by Kay Ashead and performed by Sarah Niles.
The London student protests and summer riots were addressed by the students of Barking College. Their performances were intelligent, visceral and energetic, incredibly moving, a reminder of what an empowering tool theatre is. Here was a group of 'inner city' kids telling an audience how things are, from their perspective - how often does the adult world really listen? Yet in this space, they were captivated.
The evening at the Roundhouse sold out. It will hopefully be the first of many such Mamma Quilla projects which provide a platform for comment and response to the events shaping our world.
For more about Theatre of Protest the blog:
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